Saturday, December 8, 2007

It's Over!!

He did very well! The surgery was about 5 hours - much longer than the 2.5 they thought it would take but the Doctor was excellent. Of course, Eric is such a clown and it really came out when he came out of the sedation. The first thing he wanted to know was if his tatoos were still there. And then he couldn't find his feet. I told him they were in his shoes and he said well I'll be. He is really having a tough time talking. With no teeth, there are some sounds that come out pretty funny. I am absolutely amazed at how well he is doing though. The swelling is not too bad and he says it is just like having a cut and the cut being sore but no other pain at all. He is eating pretty good and that will speed his recovery I am sure. Some of the people who have had this kind of thing done (loosing 24 teeth at one time) can attest to the pain you should feel after having this but he really is not hurting at all. Sometimes it is just a blessing to see how prayer works up close.

Well, not much happening so I'll sign off for now. The pictures are up so take a look and I'll post more later.

1 comment:

Misti said...

I'm glad to hear Eric is doing so well! Those pictures are great!!! I can't believe how big they are... and Isaiah looks so much like Eric it's scary!